Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Everything is Possible with God


Mark 10:27 "Humanly speaking it is impossible. But not with God. Everything is possible with God".


This verse is the ending of the story of the rich young ruler, or what others call the poor young pauper. He was not able to sell everything and follower Jesus. Therefore he chose his possessions over following Christ. Jesus says after this that it is very hard for rich people to enter the kingdom of heaven. The disciples asked him then, who can be saved? Jesus replied that humanly speaking it is impossible for the rich to be saved, but with God all things are possible.


Some things are hard, but with God all things are possible! I live in the wealthiest county in America and have struggled to build the church and win the lost in this region because they have everything and don't feel they "need" God in their lives. Though they don't "feel" they need Him, they do and this morning I am determined that all people can be reached for Jesus. He saves the rich, the poor, and everyone in between. All things are possible for Him and Word of Life will see all strata of society touched for God's glory.


Lord, it is truly difficult to reach the wealthy and middle class of America, but it is not impossible. Let the convicting power of Your Spirit be on my life to reach this area for your glory. Give me the words to speak, the power to walk in, the anointing of Your Spirit and the ability to share Christ in this region and let me be effective in doing it. Give us this city Lord. You said it is possible and I am not giving up till I see you work powerfully among this population.

Love You Much,


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